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XXVIIth World Road Congress
Proceedings of the Congress

Foresight Sessions

Foresight sessions are high-level sessions, addressing current issues that complement those addressed by Technical Committees, Task Forces and Strategic Direction Sessions.
They also aim to strengthen PIARC's relations with other international and regional organizations active in the field of road and road transport. Each one was organized in close cooperation with one or more of PIARC's strategic partners.

Foresight sessions

FS01 Foresight Session 01 - Sustainable finance and international policies for the SDGs 2030
FS02 Foresight Session 02 - Harnessing Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for Safer and Optimized Road Mobility
FS03 Foresight Session 03 - Enhancing transportation equity globally: Outlook, challenges, and future issues
FS04 Foresight Session 04 - Latin American and Caribbean Rural Roads: a Gateway to Development
FS05 Foresight Session 05 - Safe designs and speeds for active mobility and multimodal transport
FS06 Foresight session 06 - Game-changing trends in road project delivery
FS07 Foresight session 07 - Envisioning scenarios for global supply chains and what they mean for national road authorities
FS08 Foresight Session 08 - Mobilising investments and partnerships to deliver impact in road safety
FS09 Foresight Session 09 - Physical and digital infrastructure to facilitate large-scale CCAM adoption for all
FS10 Foresight Session 10 - Engineers and Environmentalists teaming up for a more sustainable and biodiversity friendly mobility
FS11 Foresight Session 11 - A Gender Inclusive Transport system
FS12 Foresight Session 12 - Managing the Energy Transition: Scaling Up Deployment of EV Charging Infrastructure
FS13 Foresight Session 13 - Stress tests tool to assess the resilience of road asset to climate change hazard

Foresight Sessions Highlights

Foresight Sessions