General Report
The General Report of the Congress was prepared by the PIARC Czech National Committee.
This General Report was prepared by the PIARC Czech National Committee tasked with capturing, reviewing, summarizing and documenting the fundamental core of content covered across the full breadth and depth of the Congress’s technical programme as documented in the summaries prepared by the Congress Session Chairs.
This report sets out a structured summary of each technical focus area in a simple, thorough and consistent format. It includes not only the prefacing background to the issues, but a summary of the current focus issues and development areas, along with key outcomes, resolutions, findings and results; and importantly, the associated impacts on both key decision makers and PIARC (and other international organisations).
The objective of this report is to produce a central document that acts as a historical archive for future reference requirements, as well as a guiding blue print to map the course for the next four years of road and transport technical development and advancement.