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XXVIIth World Road Congress
Proceedings of the Congress

Foresight Session 10 - Engineers and Environmentalists teaming up for a more sustainable and biodiversity friendly mobility

Thursday, October 5 09:30 - 13:00
Chair: Éric DIMNET, General Commission for Sustainable Development (GCSD), Ministry of Ecological Transition and Cohesion of Territories, France, PIARC TC 3.4 Chair & Lazaros GEORGIADIS, Biologist – Environmental Consultant, Florina, Greece, IENE
Room: Conference Hall, 4th floor

Defining and developing sustainable transport is a critical societal and global challenge transport is facing in this century. Roads have an important part to play in achieving sustainability and tackling the sustainable development goals (SDG) and its components such as biodiversity preservation, climate action, adaptation, energy transition or resilience. Connected economies, societies, and nature with safer roads for road users and wildlife are a shared ambition for both the engineering and environmental sectors. 

In line with these challenges PIARC’s Environmental Sustainability committee (TC 3.4) and IENE, the Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe, organized this foresight session deliberately positioned at the nexus of a changing transport sector. This foresight session aimed to address global biodiversity and sustainability challenges (climate, energy, resilience, etc.) by strengthening cross-sectoral collaboration. It notably highlighted two PIARC work streams carried out during 2020-2023: 

  • Sustainability of transport and mobility for societies and economies and
  • Interaction of transport with wildlife habitats and corridors.
  1. Welcome and session introduction
  2. Presentations
  3. Questions and Answers
  4. Presentations
  5. Questions and Answers
  6. Panel discussion: Sustainable mobility and biodiversity
  7. Conclusion
  8. Final Conclusions
  9. Organization

Welcome and session introduction

• Éric DIMNET, GCSD, PIARC, France


  • Sustainable mobility, global challenges and biodiversity
    Éric DIMNET (France) - General Commission for Sustainable Development (GCSD), Ministry of Ecological Transition and Cohesion of Territories, PIARC TC 3.4 Chair
  • Introduction of IENE and other continent’s networks as well as global initiatives (IENE, ANET, ICOET, ACLIE, IUCN, WWF)
    Elke HAHN (Austria) - IENE, PIARC
  • IENE tools (Biodiversity & Infrastructure handbook for action) for mainstreaming biodiversity and transport infrastructure (outputs developed in the framework of BISON project (Horizon), and in cooperation with CEDR and PIARC)
    Carme ROSELL (Spain) - Minuartia, IENE
  • European Defragmentation Map
    Marita BOETTCHER (Germany) - BfN, IENE
  • Developing ecological corridors and cooperation between nature conservation with transport sector in Czech Republic
    Vaclav HLAVAC - NCA of Czech Republic

Questions and Answers

• Éric DIMNET, GCSD, PIARC, France



  • The Carpathian experience on Sustainable Transport and a Global Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Transport and other Linear Infrastructure as a result of an International Working Group
    Lazaros GEORGIADIS (Greece) - Biologist – Environmentalist, IENE

Questions and Answers

 • Éric DIMNET, GCSD, PIARC, France

Panel discussion: Sustainable mobility and biodiversity

The discussions in the session included:

  • Emerging the basic questions from the moderators,
  • A first part with 3 mn statements from the panellists,
  • A second part with open discussion with the participants with further questions, comments or positions.

• Éric DIMNET, GCSD, PIARC, France
• Elke HAHN, IENE, PIARC, Austria
• Carme ROSELL, IENE, BISON project, Spain
• Vaclav HLAVAC, NCA of Czech Republic
• Marita BOETTCHER, BfN, Germany



Final Conclusions


Session Organisers:
• Éric DIMNET, General Commission for Sustainable Development (GCSD), Ministry of Ecological Transition and Cohesion of Territories, France, PIARC TC 3.4 Chair
• Elke HAHN, Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Vienna, Austria, PIARC, IENE Chair
• Lazaros GEORGIADIS, Biologist – Environmental Consultant, Florina, Greece, IENE
Session Secretary: