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XXVIIth World Road Congress
Proceedings of the Congress

Individual papers by authors

Contributions were invited on 49 specific themes, in order to enrich and broaden the work and reflections of PIARC Technical Committees and Task forces. 756 abstracts were submitted, and 532 papers were accepted.

  • JACOB Bernard (Université Gustave Eiffel, France)

    IP0513 - The electric road: an efficient solution to decarbonize road transport
  • JACOB Bernard (Université Gustave Eiffel, France)

    IP0512 - Direct enforcement of overloads: extensive full scale tests and certification procedure of WIM systems
  • JAIR Mario Roberto (Asociación Argentina de Carreteras, Argentina)

    IP0034 - Design of high performance wearing courses based on the use of "modified" RAP.
  • JAMIL Hidra Hasbee (Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia (Public Works Department), Malaysia)

    IP0090 - An Analysis On The Effect Of Geometric Elements On Traffic Accidents At Curves
  • JANG Jinhwan (Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, South Korea)

    IP0052 - Application Rate of Pre-wetted Salt for Snow Removal
  • JANKŮ Petra (road administration, Czech Republic)

    IP0158 - Method of commissioning, carrying out and recording the results of geotechnical surveys for the Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic
  • JAYAKODY Shiran (Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia) | GALLAGE Chaminda (Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia) | WIMALASENA Kasun (Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia) | RAMANUJAM Jothi (Department of Transport and Main Roads-Queensland, Australia) | SHAHKOLAHI Amir (Global Synthetics, Australia) | ZHONG Jinjiang (Logan City Council, Australia) | CHOW Raymond (Polyfabrics, Australia)

    IP0102 - An Experimental based approach to estimate the overall modulus/CBR of geogrid/geocomposite-reinforced subgrades and use of the Austroads design chart
  • JAYASOORIYA Darshana (Swinburne University of technology, Melbourne, Australia, Australia)

    IP0168 - Application of Machine Learning Techniques to predict Rheology and Compressive Strength of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete
  • JEDLIČKA Karel (University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic)

    IP0565 - Traffic face of a digital urban twin - Use case of the City of Pilsen
  • JELINKOVA Jana (road administration, Czech Republic)

    IP0159 - Implementation of the central planning system of ŘSD ČR for construction preparation management as an effective project tool
  • JEŽEK Jiří (university, Czech Republic)

    IP0406 - Possibilities of using secondary materials in the bearing layers of forest roads in the Czech Republic
  • JIAN guan (Henan Transport Investment Group CO.,LTD, China)

    IP0642 - Frost resistance and damage deterioration model of basalt fiber recycled concrete based on recycled coarse aggregate strengthening and vibration mixing technology
  • JIMÉNEZ ARROYO Fernando (CEDEX, Spain) | GARCÍA Laura (CEDEX, Spain) | PARRA Laura (CEDEX, Spain)

    IP0070 - Risk thresholds related to climate change in road infrastructure in Spain
  • JOHNS Daniel (Vaisala ltd, United Kingdom)

    IP0610 - The use of Big Data to enable environmentally aware Intelligent Transportation Systems by understanding the effect of weather on transport in an urban environment
  • JOKANOVIC Igor (Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Serbia)

    IP0516 - Road network resilience improvement through the prioritization of interventions in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • JOTISANKASA Apiniti (Kasetsart University, Thailand) | SAWANGSURIYA Auckpath (Department of Highways (DOH), Thailand) | PHOBAN Harutus (Department of Highways (DOH), Thailand) | SAWATPARNICH Attasit (Department of Highways (DOH), Thailand)

    IP0002 - Online Sensor Platform for Earth Slope Resilience in Thailand
  • JUSI Sari (Finnish Overseas Consultants (FinnOC) Ltd., Finland)

    IP0780 - Improving Safety of Women and Disabled Person through Gender Mainstreaming in Transport Projects - Case study of Sustainable and Integrated Rural Transport Project (SIRTP) in Bangladesh
  • JØRGENSEN Jon Kjær (The Danish Road Directorate, Denmark)

    IP0218 - Reducing CO2 for road projects