Topic 32. Winter maintenance in urban areas
IP0048 - Case Studies on Winter Service in the Cities
In 2020, 55% of the world's population live in cities and this figure will reach 68% in 2050. Urban space is increasing, sometimes in terms of surface area, but not always in terms of accommodation and transport capacity. The city concentrates many professional and commercial activities and remains a preferred place to live, despite the price of real estate. Most journeys begin and end in the city, [...]
IP0073 - Development of Action Plans as Part of the Implementation of a Sustainable Winter Service Programme
The preferential supplying site of the evian hydromineral deposit is recognised as being of international importance and is protected from chlorides through a framework agreement on the environmental control of road maintenance in winter. This programme is managed by the Association for the Protection of the Impluvium of evian Mineral Water (APIEME), tested and implemented by the Department of Haute-Savoie [...]
IP0420 - Improving Winter Service and Infrastructure for Bicycle Traffic in Winter
The provision of continuous, safe and comfortable cycling facilities is one of the essential prerequisites for a broad acceptance of cycling as an everyday means of transport. In recent years and decades, numerous municipalities have begun to transform their transport networks in this direction and have been able to achieve considerable changes in the modal split within a rea-sonable period of time. [...]
IP0492 - Planning winter maintenance routes in cities using GIS
Organizing winter service include the allocation of personal, vehicles and machines to clean roads of snow and ice. To achieve the best output usually routes are planned for each winter service vehicle. Given the dense road network of a city, it is a complex task to get the information of what road is serviced by which vehicle to all drivers. In the city of Vienna, Austria a GIS Software is used [...]
IP0123 - Windspeed reduction at a living snow fence along a national highway estimated using optical porosity as the index
As a shelterbelt installed along a traffic route, a living snow fence provides a wealth of benefits, not only from the perspective of the interception of blowing snow, which reduces traffic problems, but also from the perspective of erosion control, carbon sequestration, aesthetic enhancement, and wildlife habitat. However, withering of the branches of living snow fences decades after they were planted [...]