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XXVIIth World Road Congress
Proceedings of the Congress

Technical Session TF 1.1 and TF 1.3 - Well-Prepared Projects including LMIC

Tuesday, October 3 14:30 - 18:00
Chair: Monique AUBRY, Canada-Québec, and Michel DEMARRE, France, Chairs of PIARC TF 1.1 and TF 1.3 on Well-Prepared Projects including LMIC
Room: Panorama Hall, 1st floor

This session presented the work accomplished by the PIARC Task Forces during 2020–2023 on the following issue: 

  • Well-prepared projects, and
  • Well-prepared projects in LMIC. 

The session was complemented by the outcomes of the call for papers on the following topic: 16. Well-prepared projects as a strategy to face uncertainty and to deliver better transportation solutions.

  1. Welcome and session introduction
  2. Part 1 - Reports on TF 1.1 and TF 1.3 findings – Presentation by the World Bank
  3. Questions and Answers
  4. Part 2 - Presentations from the Call for Papers
  5. Conclusion
  6. Final Conclusions
  7. Organization

Welcome and session introduction

• Monique AUBRY, Canada-Québec, and Michel DEMARRE, France, Chairs of PIARC TF 1.1 and TF 1.3 on Well-Prepared Projects including LMIC

Part 1 - Reports on TF 1.1 and TF 1.3 findings – Presentation by the World Bank


Questions and Answers


Part 2 - Presentations from the Call for Papers



• Monique AUBRY, Canada-Québec, and Michel DEMARRE, France, Chairs of PIARC TF 1.1 and TF 1.3 on Well-Prepared Projects including LMIC

Final Conclusions


Session Organiser: Monique AUBRY, Canada-Québec, and Michel DEMARRE, France, Chairs of PIARC TF 1.1 and TF 1.3 on Well-Prepared Projects including LMIC