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XXVIIth World Road Congress
Proceedings of the Congress

Technical Session 1.5 - Disaster Management

Tuesday, October 3 09:30 - 13:00
Chair: Yukio ADACHI, Chair of PIARC TC 1.5 on Disaster Management, Japan
Room: Panorama Hall, 1st floor

This session presented the work accomplished by the PIARC Committee during 2020–2023 on the following issues: 1.5.1 Information and communication in disaster management. 1.5.2 Financial aspects of disaster management. 1.5.3 Update the Disaster Management Manual. 

The session was complemented by the outcomes of the call for papers on the following topics: 1. Societal resilience in the face of disasters. 2. Lessons learned from extreme natural events and their contribution to improving resilience. 3. The role of information technology in enhancing socio economic resilience.

  1. Welcome and session introduction
  2. Presentations
  3. Presentations
  4. Questions and Answers
  5. Conclusion
  6. Final conclusions
  7. Organization

Welcome and session introduction


  • Slope Instability Analysis In Fissured Clay Shales at Sumedang National Road
    Aldiamar FAHMI (Implementation unit of Geotechnics, Tunnel and Structure, Directorate General of Highway, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Indonesia) - Member of PIARC TC 1.5



Questions and Answers

• Moderators: Marcelo MEDINA and Neil FISHER, Members of PIARC TC 1.5, Chile and New Zealand


Final conclusions

  • Yukio ADACHI (Japan)
    Neil FISHER (New Zealand)
    Alain LEFEBVRE (Belgium)
    Marcelo MEDINA (Chile)
    Hiroaki MIYATAKE (Japan)
    Tomohiro FUJITA (Japan)


Session Organiser: Yukio ADACHI, Chair of PIARC TC 1.5 on Disaster Management, Japan