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XXVIIth World Road Congress
Proceedings of the Congress

Technical Session 1.2 - Road and Transport Planning for Economic and Social Development

Thursday, October 5 14:30 - 18:00
Chair: Fabio PASQUALI, Chair of PIARC TC 1.2 on Road and Transport Planning for Economic and Social Development, Italy
Room: Panorama Hall, 1st floor

This session presented the work accomplished by the PIARC Committee during 2020–2023 on the following issues: 1.2.1 Transport modeling and forecasting for preparing econometric analyses. 1.2.2 Implementation of sustainable mobility plans. 1.2.3 Economic and social contribution of road transport system. 

The session was complemented by the outcomes of the call for papers on the following topics: 1. Innovation and new approaches for the study of mobility of people and goods. 2. Sustainable mobility planning. 3. Economic and social effects of investment and operation in the road sector.

José Alfonso BALBUENA CRUZ, Mexico, winner of the PIARC Prize "Organisation and Administration" supported by South Korea, presented his paper at this session.

  1. Welcome and session introduction
  2. Questions and Answers
  3. Presentations
  4. Questions and Answers
  5. Presentation
  6. Conclusion

Welcome and session introduction

  • Introduction and accomplishments of the PIARC TC1.2
    Fabio PASQUALI (Italy) - Chair of PIARC TC 1.2 on Road and Transport Planning for Economic and Social Development
    Christoph WALTHER (Germany) - Scientific coordinator of TC 1.2
  • The borders of the new challenges
    Fabio PASQUALI (Italy) - Chair of PIARC TC 1.2 on Road and Transport Planning for Economic and Social Development
  • Description of the activity of the PIARC TC1.2. Emerging Methods, Practices and Guidelines for Determining the Economic and Social Contributions of Road Transport Systems
    Christoph WALTHER (Germany) - Scientific coordinator of TC 1.2

Questions and Answers



• Christoph WALTHER, Scientific coordinator of TC 1.2, Germany

Questions and Answers

• Christoph WALTHER, Scientific coordinator of TC 1.2, Germany



  • Presentation of the activities of PIARC TC 1.2 in 2024-2027 - Planning Road Infrastructure and Transport to Economic and Social Development
    Ilaria COPPA (Italy) - Future Chair


Session Organiser: Fabio PASQUALI, Chair of PIARC TC 1.2 on Road and Transport Planning for Economic and Social Development, Italy