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XXVIIth World Road Congress
Proceedings of the Congress

Strategic Direction Session 2 - Mobility and Equity

Wednesday, October 4 09:30 - 13:00
Chair: André BROTO, PIARC Strategic Theme 2 Coordinator, France
Room: South Hall 3AB, 3rd floor

This session explored how road transport can meet people’s needs while promoting equity:

  1. Transport decarbonization equity impact.
  2. Improving air quality in megacities.
  3. Impact of digital transformation and long-term effects of COVID.

The four Strategic Direction Sessions are high-level sessions presenting future-oriented approaches to key issues in the road sector. These sessions are based on national reports prepared by PIARC Member Countries, which capture national experiences and best practices.

  1. Welcome and session introduction
  2. Presentations
  3. Questions and answers
  4. Presentations
  5. Questions and answers
  6. Wrap up and Conclusions
  7. Organization

Welcome and session introduction


  • Matching automated driving and social need: how can regulation help? A French perspective
    Xavier DELACHE (France) - General Directorate for Infrastructure, Transport and Mobility, Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion

Questions and answers

Moderator: André BROTO, PIARC Strategic Theme 2 Coordinator, France



Questions and answers

Moderator: André BROTO, PIARC Strategic Theme 2 Coordinator, France

Wrap up and Conclusions


Session secretary: Jeayoun KIM, Technical Advisor for Strategic Theme 2, PIARC General Secretariat, South Korea