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XXVIIth World Road Congress
Proceedings of the Congress

Special Project Session 4 - Innovation policies in the road sector

Friday, October 6 09:30 - 13:00
Chair: Jonathan SPEAR, Atkins, UK, Vice-Chair of PIARC's Project Oversight Team
Room: Conference Hall, 4th floor

It can be argued that the transportation field has been on a continuous journey of innovations since historical times. The sector as a whole generates and requires innovation: cold-mix asphalt, intelligent transport systems, to name just two. Furthermore, some of the most recent innovations in transportation demonstrate that roads are a perfect vehicle for incorporating innovation: electric vehicles use roads, ride-hailing services use roads, etc.

This session adressed innovation processes at the organizational level in the road sector. What are some of the key noteworthy and best practices employed by road and transport administrations to encourage and sustain innovation processes at the organizational level? What lessons on innovation can be learnt from other sectors which are applicable to road and transport agencies? What recommendations can be established and implemented at the organizational level?

PIARC commissioned TRL to prepare a report on those topics. Preliminary findings from the PIARC report were presented by TRL, and discussions held during the session will contribute to the final version of the report.

  1. Welcome and session introduction
  2. Presentations
  3. Questions and Answers
  4. Presentations
  5. Questions and Answers
  6. Conclusion
  7. Organization

Welcome and session introduction

 • Jonathan SPEAR, Atkins, UK, Vice-Chair of PIARC's Project Oversight Team


• Christos XENOPHONTOS, Chair of PIARC Committee 1.1, Rhodes Island DoT, USA

  • Presentation of the PIARC report
    Kevin MCPHERSON (TRL, United Kingdom)
  • Fundamentals of Innovation in transport agencies
    Jonathan SPEAR (ATKINS, United Kingdom)
  • The new Innovation Policy at D-G for Roads (DGC), MITMA (Spain)
    José Manuel BLANCO SEGARRA (DGC, MITMA, Spain) - Secretary of PIARC TC 1.1
  • Accelerating Deployment of Transportation Innovations: The U.S. Collaborative Approach
    Leslie WRIGHT (FHWA, United States) - Director, FHWA, Office of International Programs

Questions and Answers

• Christos XENOPHONTOS, Chair of PIARC Committee 1.1, Rhodes Island DoT, USA



• Carlos BRACERAS, Executive Director for Utah DOT, USA

  • Research, Development, and Innovation Policy at the Uganda National Roads Authority
    Mark Henry RUBARENZYA (Head – Research and Development, Uganda National Roads Authority, Uganda) - PIARC Vice President
  • Flanders - Organisational Practices in Innovation
    Anne-Séverine POUPELEER (Belgium) - PIARC Executive Committee member, member of PIARC TC 1.1

Questions and Answers

• Carlos BRACERAS, Executive Director for Utah DOT, USA


• Jonathan SPEAR, Atkins, UK, Vice-Chair of PIARC's Project Oversight Team 


Session Organisers: Christos XENOPHONTOS, USA, and Patrick MALLÉJACQ, PIARC GS
Session Secretary: Jonathan SPEAR, Atkins, UK