Topic 31. New technologies in winter service
IP0356 - A New Operation and Management of Expressway Coping with Maximum-level Snowfall
In December 2020, about 90 km section of Kan-etsu Expressway (Motorway), a trunk route in Japan, was hit by first-ever heavy snowfall. It was forced to be closed for certain period. Under this severe weather condition, large-size vehicles got stuck in multiple locations at the same time, and that triggered the stagnation of about 2,100 vehicles. It took 55 hours to remove these stranded vehicles [...]
IP0052 - Application Rate of Pre-wetted Salt for Snow Removal
PURPOSE : Snow removal is one of the principal components in winter road maintenance. The two critical methods which are commonly utilized are mechanical removal and chemical removal. Mechanical removal pushes accumulated snow off the roadway using snow plows. Chemical removal involves the application of chemicals such as NaCl (salt), CaCl, MgCl, etc., to liquefy the snow on the road. However, chemicals [...]
IP0273 - Comparing floating car data regarding tire-to-road friction for different-sized operational areas during winter- and summertime in Sweden
Information about the current state of road conditions using floating car data (FCD) is dependent on vehicles travelling on roads. This type of information will be even more important in the coming years when the fleets of road vehicles go towards being fully autonomous and targeted road maintenance is implemented. In this study, FCD regarding tire-to-road friction is analysed for two time periods: [...]
IP0377 - Development and validation of an anti-icer spreading support system
In snowy regions, anti-icer spreading plays an important role in controlling road surface freezing and ensuring smooth road traffic in winter. On national roads in Hokkaido, anti-icer spreading involves two workers – a driver and an operator in the passenger seat who operates equipment and confirms safety. It is becoming difficult to secure workers for this operation due to a labor shortage caused [...]
IP0638 - Floating Car Data as an enabler for more efficient winter maintenance operations
It is a fact. The situation for the road operator crew is difficult: Making the right decisions based on experience rather than objectivity, while having a huge responsibility to do what is best to maintain as safe roads as possible. Doing that while having very little access to live data from the road network. Making the wrong calls may have a severe impact on safety as well as productivity, both [...]
IP0126 - Positive practice in winter maintenance and experience in implementing new technologies
Winter maintenance is an essential element in the maintenance of roads to ensure their passability and road safety. With the annual increase in the intensity of road traffic, it is necessary to increase the level of winter maintenance, especially on key roads, which are motorways and roads of national importance. In this context, the protection of the environment and the protection of watercourses [...]
IP0175 - Road friction coefficient estimation system using road surface images and a convolutional neural network
It is very important to assess the road surface slipperiness to realize efficient winter road management and prevent traffic accidents. The road friction coefficient is one of the indicators of road surface slipperiness, and there are some methods for measuring the road friction coefficient quantitatively. One method, for example, measures the road friction coefficient based on the braking force generated [...]
IP0147 - Technical Development for Remote Operation of Snow Removal Work
East Nippon Expressway Company Limited Hokkaido Regional Head Office (hereinafter referred to as "NEXCO East") has been developing remote control system for snow removal as a part of the Advanced/Autonomous Snow and Ice Control Operation System (ASNOS) since 2020. The remote control system for snow removal work is that snow removal operators can control snow removal machines in the distance by [...]
IP0755 - The impact of embedded IoT sensor road observations on road weather forecasts
Efficient winter road maintenance is achieved through access to timely and accurate information on current and future road conditions. Traditionally, this information is obtained from Road Weather Information System (RWIS) stations and observation-driven road weather forecasts from a road weather model (RWM). Newly developed IoT embedded sensors can be deployed as “gap-filling” devices to achieve [...]
IP0332 - Timeline expressway information for driver
Recent years many weather disaster has occurred in Tohoku region of Japan. This one of cause thinks climate impact. In this case, possible to long-time road closure and many cars stay on the road. Introduce weather disaster case study in below. 1.Rainy season [Oct-2019, Typhoon: Hagibis] In this case, Record heavy rainfall in Tohoku region. This case affected many landslide disaster and flooded [...]
IP0124 - Verification of the effect of secondary snow fences against blowing snow in apertural areas of snow fences based on field observation
In snowy regions like Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan, blowing snow occurs on winter roads due to heavy snowstorms. It often causes snowdrifts and poor visibility and may result in road closures and serious traffic accidents, with their associated socio-economic impact and toll on human lives. Snow fences are installed to prevent blowing snow on roads, but it is impossible to install them [...]