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XXVIIth World Road Congress
Proceedings of the Congress

Topic 7. New possible forms of public-private partnership to boost the road infrastructure sector

  • IP0563 - Light Plan 4.0
    Denis CORNET

    The “Lighting Plan 4.0”, to be carried out in the form of a PPP (public-private partnership) between SOFICO/SPW-MI and the LuWa Group, with a duration of 20 years, covers the design, the modernisation and the maintenance of the public lighting equipment of the Walloon Region infrastructure network. The work, that will take 4 years, aims to put in place a truly innovative system that will allow [...]

  • IP0293 - New Possible Forms of PPP to Boost the Road Infrastructure Sector in Burkina Faso
    Donzala David SOME

    The regulations on public procurement in Burkina Faso consider the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) as any form of collaboration which associates the public authority and a natural or legal person under private law with the aim of providing goods or services to the public, by optimizing the respective performances of the public and private sectors in order to carry out, as soon as possible and under [...]

  • IP0363 - New Public-Private Partnership Model for Non-Toll Road Preservation Project in Indonesia

    Over the past several years, Public-Private Partnership (PPP) has emerged as one of Indonesia’s alternative financing for the provision of infrastructures. This scheme is widely used for supplementing the development of commercial infrastructure, in other words, infrastructure that has the potential to generate income from its users, such as toll roads. By adopting the international law of PPP, [...]

  • IP0444 - The impact of Public-Private Partnership projects for Highway Conservation under performance standards in Mexico
    Ángel Trinidad MARTÍNEZ ARBOLEYA

    Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are “a long-term contract between a private party and a government entity for providing a public asset or service in which the private party bears significant risk and management responsibility and remuneration is linked to performance” (PPP Knowledge lab, 2017). One of the main elements of PPPs is the identification, description, quantification, and allocation [...]

  • IP0165 - “Comparative Analysis of Bimodal Transport Concession Contracts: the case of Peru”

    Abstract The research shows a comparative analysis of the land transport infrastructure where there is bimodal competition in Peru, specifically between road and rail in the Central Region. Based on this analysis, it is established which Concession Contract or Public Private Partnership - PPP Contract benefits the Concessionaire or the Grantor - State to maintain the transport infrastructure, incorporating [...]