Topic 27. New Mobility and its impact on infrastructure
IP0568 - Anas Green Island – Innovation for more sustainable, efficient and connected mobility
Shaping new form of mobility and transport by designing a new kind of infrastructure, is the main challenge that Anas S.p.A. in the guise of road operator wants to achieve. Nowadays, facing ecological and energy transition, roads need to be redesigned by combining technological advances to improve resilience, accessibility and to overcome its limits. Infrastructure needs to be properly prepared for [...]
IP0445 - Autonomous Vehicles and Roundabouts: Impact of Penetration Rate and Level of Automation
Technologies have been developed in response to the various traffic demands, especially the increasing traffic volume and congestion. The modern roundabout provides enhanced efficiency and safety performance of intersections with fewer traffic enforcements to drivers. Roundabouts also decrease vehicle idling by reducing stop-and-go vehicle traffic caused by traffic signals or stop signs. Despite its [...]
IP0297 - Effect of Truck Platooning on Rutting Formation of Flexible Pavements
Truck platooning has showed to be a solution for increasing transport efficiency and safety by using automated driving systems while reducing fuel consumption and gas emissions. However, there is concern, platoons could increase pavement damage due to: the increase in the number of heavy load repetitions in a channelised line of traffic, the reduced recovery time between load applications, and the [...]
IP0311 - Evaluation of machine detection of road markings for connected and automated vehicles under adverse weather and light conditions with camera and lidar
The subject of this paper is a recent study of the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) on the interaction between vehicle sensors and road markings, which includes a driving test on a Federal Motorway with a research vehicle of the fka GmbH, Aachen, equipped with CAV-camera and lidar system. Specifically, this study aims to expand knowledge about the functionality of machine detection of road [...]
IP0771 - Impact of Connected Automated Vehicles on the urban freeways interchanges: longitudinal traffic conflict analysis of mixed traffic vehicle platoons
The implementation and deployment of CAVs on motorways is challenging. One of the main concerns is the mixed traffic situation where CAVs and Manual Vehicles (MV) share the road and the effects of these interactions push on traffic performance and traffic safety. While there is literature to provide evidence that human drivers adapt their behaviours when interacting with CAVs, the causes for the change [...]
IP0382 - The Effect of Connected and Automated Vehicles on Traffic Management
Autonomous cars are real game changers, reshaping our future lives, and mobility. The new technology requires new approaches in all aspects of transport, including traffic management. In today’s mainstream for operation of highly automated vehicles the main environmental model for vehicle guidance is generated based on the ego vehicle’s perception system and extending the own local sensor signals [...]