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XXVIIth World Road Congress
Proceedings of the Congress

Topic 36. Including the concept of wildlife corridors at a strategic planning level

  • IP0246 - Key concepts, principles & stakeholders of the Global Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Transport and other Linear Infrastructure
    Lazaros GEORGIADIS

    The global demand for Transport and other Linear Infrastructure (TLI), has increased rapidly nowadays and developing transport networks in sustainable way is one of the great challenges for the global community. Adopting sustainability in the transport development in all of the spectrum of humans’ activities in 21st century is essential based on four basic pillars: •The social and cultural wellbeing [...]

  • IP0236 - Strategic Research Agenda on biodiversity-friendly linear infrastructures in Europe

    The BISON (Biodiversity and Infrastructure Synergies and Opportunities for European transport Networks) project is a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) funded under Horizon 2020. It is the first project funded by the European Commission on this topic. It has a strategic dimension for future infrastructure investments and their effects on biodiversity. One of the main aims of the BISON project [...]