Topic 19. Evaluating impacts and challenges of new mobility in urban and peri-urban areas
IP0569 - Anas Smart Road – A91 Roma-Fiumicino: a C-ITS Services laboratory for new mobility solutions
Anas S.p.A., the Italian Authority for national roads, in the field of “Anas Smart Road” Program has designed and implemented Cooperative-Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) on A91 Roma-Fiumicino, an important route near the Italian capital that connects the center of Rome to the international airport “Leonardo da Vinci” of Roma-Fiumicino. The A91 Smart Road has been presented to the world [...]
IP0701 - Are Advancing Public Transport Systems Inclusive to all Persons Living with a Disability in Africa?
There has been little research done in terms of the impact that advancing public transport systems (APTS) have on accommodating people with disabilities, particularly in African countries. International human rights organisations, such as the National Council of Persons with Disabilities and the United Nations Human Rights Council, have, however, advocated for APTS to be inclusive of all people, particularly [...]
IP0144 - Assessment of the impacts and challenges of new mobility in urban and peri-urban areas
The planning, development and management of Greater Abidjan therefore remain challenges for the authorities. Increasing urbanisation has made the MaaS (Mobility as a Service) platform a major challenge. Urban logistics initiatives suggest the need to integrate technological innovations into urban transport. Mobility is the ability to move around a space. The mobility of people, ideas and goods [...]
IP0315 - Automated, electric vehicle operations during adverse weather conditions
The active development and deployment of automated vehicles and their associated driving systems is underway in many countries across the world. However, to date, the majority of testing of these vehicles has taken place in benign, dry weather conditions. Cameras and algorithms on the vehicles depend on edge detection of the roadway, observing lane-striping, detecting obstacles around the vehicle, [...]
IP0287 - The Munich Large-Scale Drone Data Set Containing Pedestrian, Cyclist, Manually Driven and Automated Vehicle Trajectories
To evaluate the impact of new intelligent mobility solutions like automated vehicles or C-ITS, the access to proper data observations in real-world environments is an absolute necessity. The challenges new automated mobility faces in urban areas are manifold and require spatially and temporally extensive data from real world traffic situations and interaction scenarios with other road users. This [...]