Topic 2. Concepts, roadmaps and practical challenges of developing the transport agency of the future
IP0049 - Case study about the estimation of public added value on the provincial road sector in Lower Austria
The Lower Austrian approach for estimating the public added value includes a before/after comparison on provincial road projects that have been built and opened to traffic in recent years, based on extended cost-benefit-analysis criteria. Since, besides the constructional impacts of road infrastructure, its operational impacts are predominant for the estimation of public value, the determination [...]
IP0131 - Putting Innovation First – Innovation management approaches to manage a portfolio of innovation projects at the Autobahn GmbH of the German Federal
In 2021, the federal government's Autobahn GmbH assumed overall responsibility for the planning, construction, operation, traffic management, maintenance, financing and asset management of all highway in Germany from the 16 federal states. As a new organisation with more than 13 000 employees managing the fourth largest highway network in the world, innovation management was embedded in the development [...]
IP0229 - Smart Roading Agencies
This is a time of unprecedented changes for those striving for roading infrastructure that can guarantee sustainable development into the future. In the wake of the Covid 19 crisis, Argentina faces two major challenges: to achieve equality in development and to reduce existing socio-economic inequalities. In this context, smart roading agencies are expected to develop innovative approaches and [...]