Topic 11. Climate change adaptation actions for road infrastructure
IP0577 - Climate Resiliency Measures for Roads in the Mountains of California
Climate Resiliency Measures for Roads in the Mountains of California The Sierra Nevada mountain range and other mountains in California contain a huge amount of infrastructure, including 70,000 kilometers of roads and trails, over 800 bridges, numerous culverts, and other infrastructure on land managed by the US Forest Service. Over the last 40 years these mountain regions have been hit by numerous [...]
IP0594 - Climate Change Adaptation in Roads: Bio-engineering Experience
Nepal is highly sensitive to climate change impacts and ranked as one of the most vulnerable country in the world. The mountains are very steep and geology is highly disturbed with several active faults and thrusts. During rainfall the surface runoff flowing from the mountains give rise to erosion and landslides through flooding. Climate change is affecting negatively through enhanced floods worsening [...]
IP0611 - Climate impact assessment for the federal trunk road network in Germany
Climate change and the accompanying increase in extreme weather events pose various challenges for the road infrastructure. Natural hazards such as storms, floods, gravitational mass movements and heat periods can result in damage to infrastructure and lead to traffic obstructions and, in the worst case, accidents. From 2011 to 2014, the Federal Highway Research Institute already focused on the effects [...]
IP0078 - Climate Information System for Road Design
The road infrastructure and its various elements are designed to withstand climatic conditions based on historical records, assuming a stable and predictable climate. In recent years Mexico's climatic conditions have varied considerably and this has been reflected in various impacts on the road infrastructure, which has not been able to resist the prevailing extreme weather conditions. This evidence [...]
IP0584 - Climate risks and adapting road infrastructure in Victoria, Australia
Victoria’s road network plays a critical role in supporting economic activity, supply chains for the movement of goods and services, and many aspects of our daily lives including access to work, education, healthcare and social and recreational activities. During times of crisis, the road network is also critical for the immediate response and longer-term recovery from disaster events including [...]
IP0212 - HazRoad - Monitoring system for hazard prevention in highways - A case study in Brazilian Federal Highways
This study introduces a combination of Remote Sensing (RS) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to create a system for mapping and monitoring hazard events in Brazilian Federal highways. The proposed method is subdivided into four steps: I – Creating a Hazard inventory, II – Mapping hazards, III – Prediction of new events, and IV – Creating a web application for data management. The [...]
IP0746 - How to Encourage Green and Blue Infrastructure Within the Transport Sector
Green and blue infrastructure (GBI) is a term given to natural and semi-natural features, interventions and structures that provide functions and benefits for an area. The ‘green’ component refers to a wide range of green features including street trees, natural and semi-natural vegetation, green roofs and green walls, woodlands, grasslands and parks. Whilst the ‘blue’ component includes features [...]
IP0350 - Indonesia’s Climate Change Adaptation in Road Sector, Case Study: Semarang-Demak Toll Road Project
As stated in Indonesia’s Climate Risk Country Profile published by the World Bank Group and Asian Development Bank in 2021, Indonesia is particularly vulnerable to sea level rise and ranked as the fifth highest in the world in terms of the size of the population inhabiting lower elevation coastal areas. Semarang, the capital city of Central Java and the fifth largest metropolitan area in Indonesia, [...]
IP0440 - Multitemporal Photointerpretation for the Assessment of Hazard, Susceptibility and Land Use Changes on Roadways and their Contribution to Climate Change
IIn Colombia, as in most countries, the main agents of disasters are characterized by landslides and floods. The country has focused efforts on emergency response, but, although it has started, there is a lack of knowledge and risk reduction in road infrastructure. That is why, in this exposition of ideas, important aspects are gathered in knowledge of natural and anthropic hazards where the importance [...]
IP0041 - Quantitative Inundation Risk Assessment of the Coastal Road Network for Extreme Climate Events in a Vulnerable District of Bangladesh
On 25 May 2009, a cyclonic storm Aila hit the Bay of Bengal with an average wind speed of 110-kilo meter/hour and an approximate tidal surge of 4.5 meters. Like other cyclones in the regions, it devastated the coastal area taking 330 valuable human lives and made more thousands injured and homeless. Simultaneous tidal surge with astronomical high tide rendered nearly 2,000 km of the road either [...]
IP0779 - Vulnerability Assessment Process of the Rwanda Road Network
The transport infrastructure of Rwanda, one of the densest in Africa, is exposed to various climate related risks, mainly related to changes in temperature and precipitation. Erosion, landslides and flooding are the three most severe climate change triggered hazards that affect the resilience of the road network in Rwanda. It is very important that the road network in Rwanda is adapted in response [...]