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XXVIIth World Road Congress
Proceedings of the Congress

Topic 23. Application of emerging technologies in freight transport and logistics

  • IP0308 - A Self-Driving Cycle Rickshaw for Autonomous Urban Passenger and Freight Transport

    This paper presents the implementation and potential use-cases of a new innovative development of a fully connected and automated three-wheeled cycle rickshaw. The rickshaw is used for transporting passengers or logistics parcels or a combination of both. For this purpose, the rickshaw is equipped with an electric power train system including a lithium accumulator as well as actuators for breaking, [...]

  • IP0540 - Management of Hazard Material Transport on Expressway
    Choi YOON-HYUK

    With the development of modern industry, various chemical substances are being developed, and the transport of hazardous materials including dangerous substances and chemical substances is steadily increasing. The increase in the transport of hazardous materials has influenced the increase of accidents of hazardous materials transportation vehicles in the roads due to the high domestic conditions [...]

  • IP0457 - Ten-Year Experience of High Capacity Transport in Finland
    Otto LAHTI

    High-capacity transport (HCT) has been utilised in Finland since 2013. The maximum weight of vehicle combination was increased in 2013, from 60 to 76 tons, and the maximum height from 4,2 to 4,4 meters. In 2019, the maximum length of a vehicle combination was increased from 25,25 to 34,5 meters. The new dimensions are applicable on all roads, if not separately signposted. Development of HCV's was [...]